BandXUSA - Do Right "Never Wanted"
Verse 1
I’could ne,ver kno-w what was love from crush
Would’not pe,ne,trate through that blinded rush
Would’have fa,llen deeper, so awkward young
Did’not look, a, keeper, my time’s begun
Verse 2
It‘was such, a, time, did, not know’my’needs’well
I’was not, aware, It was hard’to’tell
I’would make, a, moun,tain of all’I’d’take’in
They’were on,ly, mole,hills they’re’all’just’faking
Verse 3
Now’I’m grown, I, know, what things matter’to’me
My’eyes have, been, o,pened, now I’can’see
I’can feel, the, love, from the’ones’I’ve’chosen
They’gave me, the, warmth, when my’heart’was’frozen
All my me,mo,ries feel fine
As they’re all forgotten
All my feelings flow through time
Were they mis,be,got,ten
When I think of you, I realize
`should have never started
you were just a thought of which makes
me glad we parted
If I weren't so blind I would not
have ever hunted
Looking back in time
You're someone, I never wanted