BandXUSA - Older "Older"
(Verse 1)
H-ow c-an I- just kee-p from fee-ling
I’m a-ll gro-wn out wa-y too stretched
Wh-y i-s li-fe all s-o confu-sing
Wh-ere we-re my thoughts To- be fetched
I can’t stop me from getting older
Can’t stop needing ways to win
Can’t re-step my full potential
Can’t calm down, I’m wearing thin.
I can’t retrace my lost young childhood
Can’t unwind those years of late.
I can’t believe I’m losing myself
Can’t step back from my own fate.
(Verse 2)
Gro-wing wi-th m-y in-grained feelings
a-ll shou-ld co-me turn out so- hard
Li-ke a pa-inful screa-ming needling
Brea-ks me out all to-rn a-nd scarred.
(Verse 3)
Po-wer-ful and mo-rbid nightmares
Fee-ling my own co-ming end
I do-n’t want those thoughts of death here
go-ing to- live so long, my friend.