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BandXUSA - Destruction "Restriction"


Written Date:
Tuesday June 4th, 2024
Published Date:
Thursday August 15th, 2024
Track #:
Song Length:
File Size:
6.90 MB


Verse 1 
They wear their red hats
They wear their red hats
Claim they’re patriots, all.. with.. the.. cure.
They wear their red hats
And quote you wrong stats
Want our nation, all.. to.. be.. pure 
If you think you know what they stand for
Look again and see their cause
They’ve made us think our votes have been doctored
Look again, it’ll give you pause.
Theywant to vote a leader dictator
Voting’s simply in their way
They think that he’ll solve all of our problems
Listen baby you’re gonna pay

Verse 2
Each wears a brown shirt
Each wears a brown shirt
Want us all.. to leave while.. they.. stay
Each wears a brown shirt
And make us all hurt
They’ll use force, if they.. don’t.. get.. their way
Once they’re in they’ll drop all pretenses
Governing’s not what they will do
They’ll look at you and say that you’re worthless
Your usefulness is done, and you’re through
They tell you that they’re all patriotic
Democracy's not in their plan
Inside I know you think that they’re traitors
United we can take a stand

Verse 3 
They wear their black boots
They wear their black boots
They’ill destroy you, don’t.. vote..
They wear their black boots
And everyone shoots
They’ll take our nation, down.. with.. their.. win
They don;t believe this nation is working
And they want you to think the same
They say that voting’s all been the problem
Dictatorship will work in their game
They’ll tell you that our nation is one faith
All others faiths will simply be banned
The Constitution’s worded this clearly
Government’s not faith understand.

Verse 4
They wear their red hats
Each with their brown shirts
And with their black boots
Don’t... you.. see
They wear their red hats
Each with their brown shirts
And with their black boots
We’ll nev-er.. be.. free.
Don’t fall for red hats
Or for their fake stats
They’ll say with them you’re.. life.. will.. be.. pure
They’re simply lying
They’ll get you crying
So when you vote you bet-ter.. be.. sure.

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